Filmmaker Chaz Parvez has created, with his film The Puppet, a unique blend of horror with black humor and experimentalism, driven by the excellent performance of actress Heather-Rose Andrews. The Puppet received the awards of Finalist for Best Actress in an Experimental Short, Semi-Finalist for Best Art Direction in an Experimental Short and Semi-Finalist for Best Cinematography in an Experimental Short.
1. Olá Chaz. How are you? Please introduce yourself to our readers and also tell us a little about the team that was part of The Puppet.
Hello! I am a UK based creative, who, during the Covid lockdown period decided to pursue my creative side that had been dormant for many years. Filmaking was my outlet – and something I’d been thinking about a lot.
2. The Puppet was awarded Finalist for Best Actress in an Experimental Short, Semi-finalist for Art Direction in an Experimental Short, and Semi-finalist for Cinematography for an Experimental Short. Did you expect a result like this?
I knew the film was strong in these areas, but to actually be recognised in them was wondeerful.
3. Tell us a bit about the creation of The Puppet. From initial inspiration to realization.
The original idea was to create a contemporary dance video! However, after a trip to Berlin (East side), and seeing the vibe there, I decided to extend the piece into a more ‘gritty’ project – It still contains dance though.
4. What led you to experimental horror rather than conventional horror? Wouldn't your life, as a filmmaker, be easier following conventional horror?
I had made three creepy shorts previously that followed conventional techniques. Die Puppe did lend itself to a more experimental feel – especially as the narrative leave the viewer wondering what it was all about!
5. What is success for you?
In this film, seeing the reaction of the audience. Obviously, winning awards is lovely – knowing that someone you have never met thinks your film is of a high standard, but for this film, success is alo the production process – It was a joy to work with so many fantastic people.
6. What is the mortal sin for a filmmaker?
Failing to entertain, Poor storyline and casting .
7. What are the main differences between Chaz Parvet before he started making films and Chaz Parvet today?
From a young age, I have always been creative, but like many artists, creativity does not (always) pay the bills! I’m now in a position in my life where that creative side is met alongside myhome and working life. Seeing my dreams realised makes me a far rounded character.
8. What is your ultimate goal as a filmmaker?
To create a piece of work that exceeds my current output – creatively, financially and leaves the audience wanting more.
9. How do you see the current scene of horror cinema and especially experimental horror?
Experimental horror has big opportunities – taking a format (traditional horror) and making it less cliched and asking questions from the audience.
10. What would an ideal film festival look like for you?
I have been to a few – each very different. I really enjoy the Q&A sessions, but dissapointed in the networking. Some people I’ve met, do not seem interested in collaboration and/ or working together. The festivals should act as a spring-board not only to see other’s brilliant work, but to share and support the hard work filmakers put in.
11. If you met your favorite filmmaker, what would you ask him/her?
Can I work with them on their next film.
12. What are your five favorite films? What do they have in common that appeals to you?
In no particular order, these are the films I would never get bored of watching:
Alien (The original)
Frankenstein (Karloff)
All of them have great stories, a sense of foreboding and production design.
Thank you